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How to Increase Social Distancing in Your Office in Simple Steps

Offices are struggling to keep up with the social distancing rules today. Discover how to social distance in an office to protect your employees.

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Hello Direct
Published on
September 23, 2021 at 3:12:00 PM PDT September 23, 2021 at 3:12:00 PM PDTrd, September 23, 2021 at 3:12:00 PM PDT

In the United States alone, over 36 million people have been infected by the COVID-19 virus.[1] Last year, many offices had to close as the virus spread. Fortunately, many companies allowed their employees to work from home so that they could keep their operations going. With many businesses now opening back up, workers are headed back to their offices. If you have already or are considering opening your office back up, there are a few ideas for social distancing in the office that you can adopt to keep your employees safe.

Train All Your Employees on How to Keep Social Distancing in an Office

This includes not only what to do in the office but also how your employees can take care of themselves even outside the office. If you want to keep social distancing in your office, it makes sense to invest in employee education as much as you can. You can even invite social workers to help you out if necessary.

Set Up a Social Distancing Policy

If you don't have a social distancing policy in your office, it's time to set one up. The social distancing policy should include how distances should be maintained between everyone whether infected or non-infected. It should also include the steps your employees can take when their colleagues violate these rules.

Improve Communication

To maintain social distancing in an office building, it's important that everyone has access to the most up-to-date social distancing information. This should not just be on company policy but also on updates about the current social distancing situation around the globe. Keeping your employees informed will help them remain conscious and informed about the importance of social distancing and how to do it right in the office.

Provide the Right Equipment for Your Employees

With your staff coming back to the office, you’ll want to make sure that they have the proper equipment to not only work effectively but also stay safe and keep their distance from each other. Hello Direct headsets allow your employees to participate in conference calls while sitting at their desks, eliminating the need for everyone to crowd inside a conference room. Webcams and speakerphones can also help facilitate the meeting process. UV-clean disinfecting solutions can help keep workstations clean by preventing the spread of microorganisms that may linger on high-touch surfaces like keyboards. 

Give Employees a Physical Schedule for Social Distancing in the Office

To help increase social distancing in your office, you can use a calendar or Post-it notes to let everyone know where they are supposed to be at what time. This can include when they should be working from home. This helps increase social distancing in the office because it boosts awareness among employees.

Let Us Help

Social distancing is a useful tool for any working environment to reduce cross-contamination of disease. So, if you've been wondering how to ensure social distancing in the office by taking your strategies up a notch, consider Hello Direct. With us, you'll get amazing social distancing solutions, such as desk sign devices to help you implement your policies. Contact us today to learn more about our products!


Photo by Fusion Medical Animation on Unsplash



[1] https://www.statista.com/topics/6084/coronavirus-covid-19-in-the-us/#topicHeader__wrapper

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