Allowing your employees to work from home or from their local café offers a myriad of benefits from increased productivity to lower office rental costs. Yet while the benefits of remote workforces are thoroughly documented by a consistently increasing number of studies, there are also hurdles unique to businesses that employ remote workers, one of which is tracking their performance. Here's how to track remote workers with technology.
ProofHub helps remote teams achieve seamless interactions with team members and clients. The feature-rich platform comes with online proofing, discussions, and social media integration. The platform claims to be an all-in-one tool for remote project management and is currently being used by hundreds of remote teams from around the globe. Integrated with top-of-the-line telecommunication solutions from one of Hello Direct's trusted brands, ProofHub can give businesses the project planning and collaboration tools they need to thrive within their respective space.
What makes Friday different from the rest of the remote management tools available today is that it serves as an asynchronous remote operating system. Friday is an ancillary application that lets you automate meetings and group notifications concerning ongoing projects. Some of the key features that make Friday a powerful remote workforce management tool include asynchronous meeting routines and templates, team profiles, kudos and icebreakers, and its ability to be easily integrated into other telecommunication tools, such as Asana and Trello.
One of the first communication tools to pop up in the remote workforce scene was Slack. Today, it's still a widely used technology for tracking the performance of remote workers. Slack has attracted a large following of users, thanks to its back-and-forth chat system for individuals and teams. It's similar to using Facebook's Messenger app but with a work-centric focus. Slack can also be easily integrated with Google Docs and Trello. It's best to stay on top of the Slack channels you have at work. Left unchecked, keeping track of important conversations can become tiresome.
Trello's allure lies in its ability to serve as a productivity tool for your workforce. Workers get a visual representation of all things project related. The tool implements the popular workflow management approach called Kanban and uses "boards" to arrange tasks based on relevance. You can create columns with each column holding a corresponding task inside it.
Teramind is perhaps one of the most advanced tools for tracking employee progress and activity throughout the day. Teramind detects sudden changes in the employee's activity by tracking the applications, emails, network, and file activities of their work phone or computer. Remote workplace monitoring can help monitor virtually any client that attempts to use Teramind for nefarious purposes.
As important as the software tools your business uses to track remote worker performance, hardware, including audio devices like headsets and phones, plays an equally important role in the harmonious collaboration and remote monitoring of your workforce. At Hello Direct, we offer the most innovative solutions in the telecommunications industry. Contact us today for inquiries on the brands and products we carry!